Tuesday 14 January 2014

Everyone Deserves a Second Chance
        There are so many great lessons we all get from life. But still there might have still one that most remarks on your heart.
        It is hard to be hurt by someone, thus, it truly cause a great pain. This pain truly reminds me that maybe this not meant to me now. But still forgiveness is great thing.

        The moment you forgive somebody, chances are that you will also give them a second chance, a chance to be near you, without trying to remind them of what they did to you, treating them not as they are, or as they once were, but rather as you want them to be. By doing this, you are also allowing them to grow and to become better and better every day. Your ego might tell you to “let these people go” but what does your heart tell you? We are all humans, we all make mistakes, and we all deserve a second chance, and why not, maybe a third and a forth, a sixth and a seventh…

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